Sunday, 2 February 2014

Character development

Character development
This is a small description on what our main character is like, it gives the actor a better understanding of who he is playing and how to act as well as giving the team a better understanding of why certain things happen during the narrative of the story and why the character acts the way he is.
Main Character: Sabin Sunwar
- Genius - Brave - Lucky - Charismatic - Born Salesmen - Flirty - Party animal - Ambitious 
- Perfectionist - Workaholic - Frugal - Vain - Materialistic - Greedy

Characters greatest achievement: The fortune he has acquired
Characters idea of perfect happiness: Having money, women and power
Character has a love for: money and women
Most obvious trait: Materialistic 
Most happiest moment: Earning first million through stocks
Character dislikes: Rules and restrictions
Characters greatest fear: Losing what he has earned
Characters greatest regret: Not doing what he did sooner to have obtained more wealth
Characters dream house: A mansion big enough to get lost in
Characters lowest moment in life (emotionally): Having the bare minimum of survival
Characters lowest moment in life (physically): Obtaining blood money
Characters main like about other men: Their minds and ambition
Characters main like about women: Their body
The trait the character most deplores in himself: Being a workaholic, constantly thinking of ways to succeed legally or illegal
The trait the character most deplores in others: Laziness and absent-minded
On what occasions does the character lie?: Every occasion possible

The Characters motto: Live while you still can. Live in the moment. More is not enough
From the above questions and traits we can conclude that this character is a vain, money minded businessman who likes to plan ahead and live now and not think too much about the past. He is also a character who has allowed his wealth to go to his head and has therefore become an obsessed workaholic willing to make money however he can and whenever he can. He cherishes everything he has earned and always wants more as more is not enough, he will do whatever it takes to obtain happiness which in his mind is having money and power as well as women. Even though the character has a girlfriend he confides in, he still seems to sexualise her or objectify her which makes him come off a tiny bit sexist.

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