Sunday, 1 December 2013

Textual analysis: SAW 3D - The Final Chapter (The public execution) and The Human Centipede (excrement scene)

The scene starts off with suspensive non-diegetic orchestral and string music which is heavily common within SAW and many other horror films (including the torture porn horror sub-genre) The camera slowly pans right and tilts down from towering New York sky scrapers which helps set the scene's location. Diegetic sounds of cars driving around honking their horns are heard alongside sped up movement of the camera's pan and tilt which occurs twice. Then revealed is the trap set up by the main character/protagonist who is seen as an anti-hero but in actual fact is a hero in Propp's character roles as he is allowing those who have done wrong to earn their lives back, otherwise justice will unfold. This trap contains two males who are shown tied up to a board with three chainsaws, (one pointing to each male and one pointing up to the ceiling where currently a black cloth is at). This box and the tied up males attracts many passer-by's from several different age groups and ethnicities. 

The younger male characters who are attracted to the box are interested and intrigued and look more excited than worried. The females and older men look more worried and scared. The two males within the box then awake to find themselves confused and strapped in and unable to escape. The woman seem to be more worried and scared than anyone else who is viewing from outside the box, one of which realises that the two male characters are in need of help, another female then quickly calls for help using her mobile phone. The male characters scream for help and at that point the black cloth on the ceiling is pulled away, revealing a young female chained up and strapped onto a board.

The female character is an asian girl dressed in stereotypical girl colours (mainly pink) She also seems to be wearing some mascara and make up to make her look more appealing and more like a stereotypical girly girl. The top the female character is wearing is quite small and therefore reveals her stomach area,  her top also reveals part of her pink bra. Usually in horror films the female character who would die would be a stereotypical white dumb blonde who has to have everything pink and has flawless skin with just a bit of makeup to place emphasis on her beauty. Kevin Greuter, the director of saw 3D, had chosen a young female asian to attract male viewers/audiences as a young asian girl is seen as a stereotypical fantasy for males. The short top and revealing bra along with the strap which is placed around her chest to enhance sexual attracts from males towards the female and making the girl seem like a girly girl by the use of pink makes the female character seem innocent and is pleasing to the eyes of males as it would increase their sexual desires and satisfy their needs. 

A high angle camera shot is shown from possibly the female characters perspective. It shows the action and then the reaction, the audience is viewing what is going on (the female hanging up high strapped onto a board) and then is shown the reaction of the other characters/the extras. At this moment in the clip, most females look horrified and scared while males look shocked but interested. It seems as it is only the females who are willing to help (calling the cops, trying to break the window with a briefcase) while everyone else just stands back and watches. It's as if it's a show, everyone is intrigued and gathered around to watch but nobody is helping. It's as if it's a representation of torture porn in reality, most women are stereotypically disgusted and outraged by sexualised violence against women while stereotypically males are more entertained and feel a sense of escapism from viewing such violence (which links to blumber and katz uses and gratifications). Within the clip we even see more and more people using their phones to record and take pictures of the event unfold instead of doing something to help. Most people with their phones out recording are males while those calling are females.

When the blades of the chainsaw start spinning you can hear dietetic sounds of female screams and the camera is placed next to two horrified females to mainly show their reactions. At 3:42mins into the clip we can see one male being cut by the chainsaw, behind that male on the outside of the box is another male who reaction to this is to cheer which is also heard along with the diegetic sound of the chainsaw as it cuts the male. This is shown again as he hops around excited in the back at 3:50mins into the clip.

Just before the female character is chainsawed in half we see an agreement between the two males to kill her instead of killing each other and at that moment a rush of police officers finally occur, which is obviously too late as a stereotypical narrative within horror, the police officers are all shown as males who are again also like the other males unable to do anything to stop this from occurring. Majority of the time a females death within horror is similar to this, females tend to have longer and more painful as well as more revealing in gruesome guts spewing out than male death scenes. The female is cut open and blood spatters all over the faces of the main character's doll representation "Jigsaw" and the two males as well as the glass barrier between the the people outside to the people inside. The females guts and intestine fall out to the floor. At the same time as the chaos occurs within the box, outside the box chaos occurs as the police try to hold back people from the box. The fact that the blood from the female hits the glass, the two males and the "Jigsaw" doll could connote that the blood is on all their hands, the people outside the box couldn't and didn't do anything and the males inside the box killed the female while Jigsaw was the one who had set up the trap in the first place.

This scene from the Human Centipede was seen as the most disturbing scene of the whole film as it not only shows the struggle of the characters as they have to adapt to their new stitched together centipede like body but also shows how they must survive through the consumption of excrement. The head of the centipede feeds the second part of the body and the second feeds the third part of the body.

The location and camera angles used emphasises the isolation and the struggle and difficulty the three protagonist have from a chance of survival and escape. The male at the front of the body seems much more adapted and finds it easier to move around than the females, the male also has more freedom than the females, the male is able talk, eat food rather than excrement and isn't stitched to the anus of another human being. The females are seen as stereotypical victims within torture porn, they are deliberately placed in the two worst places in the centipede, the middle and end as they both suffer from less freedom and have to eat excrement to survive. The females upper body is revealed and have their hair tied up, this is to reveal not only their body parts but also to reveal the poor stitching on their mouths to show their pain visually. The females who stereotypically are known as being incredibly talkative are in  this situation where their ability to talk has been taken away from them. The moans, the bits of flesh being shown and the scars from the poor stitching as well as the difficulty to adapt to being parts of a human centipede all are elements of torture porn which are stereotypically used to attract males as it is sexually pleasing for them to view females to be represented in a dehumanising way.

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