Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Critical investigation: Possible ideas

1) Are we becoming more violent due to the media. Violence within recent films Saw and Human Centipede and the impact they have on audiences

2)  Are we becoming more violent due to the media. Violence within games and films Hitman vs the Human Centipede and the impact they have on audiences.

3) The representation of teenagers in film and TV.

4) How are males represented differently to females within films. Spring breakers vs Project X

5) Do music videos help create and glorify a violent society? Lil Wayne vs Chief Keef

The three I've short listed 

1) Are we becoming more violent due to the media. Violence within recent films Saw and Human Centipede and the impact they have on audiences.

- I've chosen this as a topic due to how big of an issue this topic is. I know about the Bobo doll experiment which suggests that we become violent from what we view as we tend to mimic the actions portrayed in front of us. 

- I know about how the human centipede was such a controversial film that it was originally banned in the UK but then later was allowed to be viewed when the ban was lifted.

- I know about the copycat theory in which an audience is likely to copy/imitate what they view (similar to the Bobo doll experiment).

- The selective attention experiment (gorilla experiment) which is an experiment which suggests that we only take in what we focus on, this opposes the hypodermic needle. However, some suggest that similar to the selective attention experiment that it may actually be supporting the hypodermic needle, it suggests that the media slip in subliminal messages which we subconsciously pick up.

Human Centipede Official Page: http://www.humancentipede.co.uk/
Human Centipede Wiki Page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Human_Centipede_(First_Sequence)
Human Centipede Youtube Page: http://www.youtube.com/channel/HCP8nq-MPEB6g
(Cannot find SAW official site) SAW IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1477076/
SAW wiki Page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saw_(franchise)

2)  Are we becoming more violent due to the media. Violence within games and films Hitman vs the Human Centipede and the impact they have on audiences.

I've chosen this as a topic due to how big of an issue this topic is. I know about the Bobo doll experiment which suggests that we become violent from what we view as we tend to mimic the actions portrayed in front of us.

- I know about the copycat theory in which an audience is likely to copy/imitate what they view (similar to the Bobo doll experiment).

- The selective attention experiment (gorilla experiment) which is an experiment which suggests that we only take in what we focus on, this opposes the hypodermic needle. However, some suggest that similar to the selective attention experiment that it may actually be supporting the hypodermic needle, it suggests that the media slip in subliminal messages which we subconsciously pick up.

- I know about how the human centipede was such a controversial film that it was originally banned in the UK but then later was allowed to be viewed when the ban was lifted.

- There have been articles about a "hitman like" murder. One of which (wasn't within the last five years) was about a group of friends who were playing a hitman style game in the forest and one of the people in the group tried to strangle their friend pretending to copy hitman with his fibre wire.

Human Centipede Official Page: http://www.humancentipede.co.uk/
Human Centipede Wiki Page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Human_Centipede_(First_Sequence)
Human Centipede Youtube Page: http://www.youtube.com/channel/HCP8nq-MPEB6g
Hitman Wiki Page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitman_(video_game_series)
Hitman Official Page: www.hitman.com
Hitman Youtube Page: http://www.youtube.com/user/hitman

3) How are males represented differently to females within films. Spring breakers vs Project X

- I've chosen this topic to compare how males and females are represented in films. Males are dominantly seen as bad and rebellious  while females have been seen as stereotypical good girls who are innocent.

- Many people have attempted to copy having a huge party such as the one seen in Project x. Many of them being males.

- Spring breakers try to show the alternative view and try breaking the stereotype of females being seen as innocent. The main characters are seen as rebellious and bad. The actors however are seen as innocent Disney teens.

- Stereotypically society view teens as a whole as vermin and have negative views towards them, certain ages think differently about each other. Elderly people stereotypically believe that male teens are scary, rude and aggressive and therefore fear them while females are sensitive, caring and not rude or aggressive and therefore fear them less.

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